Thursday, September 15, 2011

OH5 Omeka server startup

Here are notes from today's phone conference exploring setting up a shared OH5 Omeka service (cf. on the Bluehost cloud-based web service.

  • Alan Boyd (OBE), Xi Chen (OBE), Catalina Oyler (OH5), Steven Flynn (WOO), Meghan Frazer (KEN), and Robert Arnold (OWU) were on the call; Debby Andreadis (DEN) absent
  • We will start by setting on OH5 instance of Omeka within which numerous individual Exhibits can be created for each institution
  • Catalina and Xi will work to set up the OH5 Bluehost account.  Xi, Steven, and Robert (pending approval) will share the responsibilities as Technical Administrators, each able to respond to issues with the Bluehost server and the software components of the Omeka installation.
  • At least one Omeka Project administrator will be designated on each campus as the main contact for training and support for projects to create various local exhibits-- Alan (initially-- OBE), Meghan (KEN), Steven (and possibly Marsha-- WOO), Debby (probably-- DEN), Emily (probably-- OWU); 
  • Project Administrators will promote use of Omeka and should stay in touch with the online Omeka user community.
  • Technical and Project administrators can meet as needed via phone conferences to coordinate use of the Omeka server
  • The few established OH5 Omeka exhibits that are now hosted on other servers can be migrated to the shared server over time.